
Visa Information for Foreign Citizens

Citizens of the below listed countries and stateless person permanently residing in these countries must obtain visa before entering to the territory of Georgia.
  1. Arab Republic of Egypt
  2. Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela
  3. Burkina Faso
  4. Central African Republic
  5. Commonwealth of Dominica
  6. Co-operative Republic of Guyana
  7. Democratic People's Republic of Korea
  8. Democratic Republic of São Tomé and Príncipe
  9. Democratic Republic of the Congo
  10. Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste
  11. Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka
  12. Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia
  13. Federal Democratic Republic of Nepal
  14. Federal Republic of Nigeria
  15. Federal Republic of Somalia
  16. Federated States of Micronesia
  17. Federation of Saint Kitts and Nevis
  18. Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia
  19. Gabonese Republic
  20. Grenada
  21. Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan
  22. Independent State of Papua New Guinea
  23. Independent State of Samoa
  24. Islamic Republic of Afghanistan
  25. Islamic Republic of Iran
  26. Islamic Republic of Mauritania
  27. Islamic Republic of Pakistan
  28. Jamaica
  29. Kingdom of Bhutan
  30. Kingdom of Cambodia
  31. Kingdom of Lesotho
  32. Kingdom of Morocco
  33. Kingdom of Swaziland
  34. Kingdom of Tonga
  35. Lao People's Democratic Republic
  36. Libya
  37. Mongolia
  38. People's Democratic Republic of Algeria
  39. People's Republic of Bangladesh
  40. People's Republic of China
  41. Plurinational State of Bolivia
  42. Republic of Angola
  43. Republic of Benin
  44. Republic of Burundi
  45. Republic of Cabo Verde
  46. Republic of Cameroon
  47. Republic of Chad
  48. Republic of Côte d'Ivoire
  49. Republic of Cuba
  50. Republic of Djibouti
  51. Republic of Equatorial Guinea
  52. Republic of Fiji
  53. Republic of Ghana
  54. Republic of Guatemala
  55. Republic of Guinea
  56. Republic of Guinea-Bissau
  57. Republic of Haiti
  58. Republic of India
  59. Republic of Indonesia
  60. Republic of Iraq
  61. Republic of Kenya
  62. Republic of Kiribati
  63. Republic of Liberia
  64. Republic of Madagascar
  65. Republic of Malawi
  66. Republic of Mali
  67. Republic of Mozambique
  68. Republic of Namibia
  69. Republic of Nicaragua
  70. Republic of Niger
  71. Republic of Palau
  72. Republic of Paraguay
  73. Republic of Peru
  74. Republic of Rwanda
  75. Republic of Senegal
  76. Republic of Sierra Leone
  77. Republic of South Sudan
  78. Republic of Suriname
  79. Republic of the Congo
  80. Republic of the Gambia
  81. Republic of the Maldives
  82. Republic of the Marshall Islands
  83. Republic of the Philippines
  84. Republic of the Sudan
  85. Republic of the Union of Myanmar
  86. Republic of Trinidad and Tobago
  87. Republic of Uganda
  88. Republic of Vanuatu
  89. Republic of Yemen
  90. Republic of Zambia
  91. Republic of Zimbabwe
  92. Saint Lucia
  93. Socialist Republic of Vietnam
  94. Solomon Islands
  95. State of Eritrea
  96. Syrian Arab Republic
  97. Togolese Republic
  98. Tunisian Republic
  99. Tuvalu
  100. Union of the Comoros
  101. United Republic of Tanzania
Foreign citizens willing to obtain a short-term visa have a possibility to apply for Georgian visa via “e-visa portal” without visiting Georgian Diplomatic Missions or Consular Offices.
Applicants who register their applications for short-term visa using the E-Visa Portal must present the following documents:
  • Fully completed visa application form;
  • Travel document;
  • Personal photo according to ICAO standards ;
  • A receipt confirming the payment of a fine must be presented if a fine has been imposed on an alien for an illegal stay on the territory of Georgia;
  • Applicants who register their applications online using the E-visa Portal must pay the visa fee of 20 US dollar +2% service fee with a credit/debit card (MasterCard or Visa) during the application process.
Please, follow the link to submit application form for e-visa:
  • An alien may apply for short-term visa to a nearby Diplomatic Mission or consular office of Georgia in accordance with citizenship.
If you are staying in a third state, you may apply for visa to the diplomatic mission or consular office located in the country of residence, only in case if you have a valid multiple-entry visa or a valid residence permit of the country of residence. In issuing visas to such category of aliens, the effective term of the above visa or residence permit of the country of residence must be 3 (three) months longer than visa that an alien has required.
Applicants who submit their applications for short-term visa through Georgian Diplomatic Mission or Consular Office must present the following documents:
An alien may apply for long-term visa to a nearby Diplomatic Mission or consular office of Georgia in accordance with citizenship.
If you are staying in a third state, you may apply for visa to the diplomatic mission or consular office located in the country of residence, only in case if you have a valid multiple-entry visa or a valid residence permit of the country of residence. In issuing visas to such category of aliens, the effective term of the above visa or residence permit of the country of residence must be 3 (three) months longer than visa that an alien has required.
Please follow the link to find the list of Diplomatic Missions and Consular Offices of Georgia abroad. 
Documents should be submitted by an applicant or his/her legal representative at the Embassy in electronic and tangible form.
General requirements to documents to be submitted
Documents necessary for obtaining visa must be submitted in the official language of Georgia or in English.
If a document is translated, the document must be submitted along with translation certified under legislation.
Documents that are necessary for obtaining visa but have been issued in another state, must be submitted after they have been duly legalised or apostillised in original form. It is also possible to submit the legalized or apostillised copy of the document if the original was respectively legalized or apostillised as well.
The document does not need to be legalised or apostillised if it is submitted for obtaining the Diplomatic or Special visas as well as the documents issued by the following stated does not need to be legalised or apostillised while applying for any type of visa: Republic of Belarus, Ukraine, Republic of Moldova, Republic of Armenia, Republic of Kazakhstan, Republic of Azerbaijan, Republic of Tajikistan, Kyrgyz Republic, Republic of Turkmenistan and Russian Federation.
List of Documents that should be submitted to Georgian Diplomatic Missions and Consular Offices to obtain immigration visa
  1. Travel document – to obtain Georgian visa, the document should meet the following criteria:
  • Travel document´s validity should extend at least three months after the validity of Georgian visa.
  • Travel document must not be damaged and should not contain unauthorized markings.
  • Travel document should contain at least two empty pages and should be issued within last 10 years;
  1. Visa application filled out electronically and signed in tangible form
  2. Proof of sufficient financialmeans during the travel period can be presented by one of the following documents:
  • Document verifying that an alien will personally cover travel expenses – bank statement of an alien within last 6 months, salary verification letter, other document verifying that an alien has sufficient funds to travel to Georgia;
  • A letter of sponsorship (In tangible form).
  • Document verifying obtaining grant/tuition, scholarship.
  • Document - “Proof of Tuition Fee Payment”
  1. Receipt of payment consular fee - Please see detailed information about visa fee, terms for exempting a foreigner from fee payment and account numbers of the Diplomatic Missions and Consular Offices of Georgia aboard:

  1. Personal photo according to ICAO standards;
  2. A receipt confirming the payment of a fine must be presented if a fine has been imposed on an alien for an illegal stay on the territory of Georgia;
  3. Individual health insurance – should be valid for the duration of visa validity and should cover the whole territory of Georgia.
  4. Proof of  accommodation during the travel period can be presented by one of the following documents:
  • Document issued by a physical person (individual entrepreneur) or a legal entity registered in Georgia verifying that a person provides accommodation to an alien. The document should indicate the place of accommodation and the duration of stay – in a material form;
  • Document verifying accommodation reservation (hotel booking and other) – in a material form;
  • Rental agreement of the accommodation
  • Notarized invitation of an inviting person verifying alien’s accommodation
  • Other document which can verify proof of accommodation in Georgia

  1. To issue visas to minors and/or persons with mental disorders, the visa issuing authority must be provided with the consent of their legal representative. Such consent must be expressed in written form.
  2. If a person with representative powers submits papers, the document evidencing such representative powers must be presented to the visa issuing authority.
  3. Document proving the purpose of the visit:

For Business/Employment purpose
  • Document verifying labor relationship (commercial, professional) between an alien/his/her employer, a physical entity residing in Georgia, and a legal entity registered in Georgia. In case of labor relationship between an alien’s employer and a physical entity residing in Georgia or a legal entity registered in Georgia, a document verifying labor relationship between an alien and relevant foreign organization should be submitted. Document must contain information about the duration of the labor relationship with the alien and the amount of remuneration or other types of income.
  • Document issued by the relevant foreign institution verifying that an alien is employed in the institution and requires business trip to Georgia;
  • Relevant labor contract containing information about the duration of the contract with the alien and the amount of remuneration or other types of income.

For engaging in entrepreneurial activities
  • Extract from the public registry verifying that an alien is a founder/cofounder or a legal representative of an entrepreneurial (commercial) legal entity registered in Georgia.

For the Educational Visits
  • Document verifying admission in the authorized education institution;
  • Document issued by the authorized educational institution (letter, student ID, etc.) verifying that an alien studies on the educational program of the mentioned educational institution (educational course, exchange program, undertaking research, language courses, qualification courses, etc.)

For the Family reunification
  • Document verifying ties of relationship;
  • Document verifying that an alien’s family member legally resides in Georgia (except alien’s family member resides in Georgia on the basis of short-term visa).

Foreign citizen, the owner of the real estate (other than agricultural land) in Georgia must present
  • Real estate possession document;
  • Document proving the market value of the real estate. The market value of the real estate set by the, the certified appraiser of the public law entity - National Authority - accreditation center. Real estate value must be more than 35,000 US dollars equivalent to GEL.
If necessary, visa issuing authority is authorized to request additional documents.

Aliens legally staying in Georgia shall apply for visa to the LEPL Public Service Hall/LEPL Public Service Development Agency or to the Consular Department of Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Georgia, with an appropriate application personally or by the representative, both for electronic and for tangible submissions no later than 45 days before his/her lawful stay in Georgia expires.

General requirements to documents to be submitted
Documents necessary for obtaining visa must be submitted in the official language of Georgia or in English.
If a document is translated, the document must be submitted along with translation certified under legislation.
Documents that are necessary for obtaining visa but have been issued in another state, must be submitted after they have been duly legalised or apostillised in original form. It is also possible to submit the legalized or apostillised copy of the document if the original was respectively legalized or apostillised as well.
The document does not need to be legalised or apostillised if it is submitted for obtaining the Diplomatic or Special visas as well as the documents issued by the following stated does not need to be legalised or apostillised while applying for any type of visa: Republic of Belarus, Ukraine, Republic of Moldova, Republic of Armenia, Republic of Kazakhstan, Republic of Azerbaijan, Republic of Tajikistan, Kyrgyz Republic, Republic of Turkmenistan and Russian Federation.

To obtain Georgian immigration visa, following documents must be submitted to the LEPL Public Service Hall/LEPL Public Service Development Agency or to the Consular Department of Ministry of Foreign Affairs:
  1. Travel document – to obtain Georgian visa, the document must meet the following criteria:
  • Travel document´s validity must extend at least three months after the validity of Georgian visa.
  • Travel document must not be damaged and must not contain unauthorized markings.
  • Travel document must contain at least two empty pages and must be issued within last 10 (ten) years;
  1. Visa application filled out electronically and signed in tangible form
  2. Proof of sufficient financial means during the travel period can be presented by one of the following documents:
  • Document verifying that an alien will personally cover travel expenses – bank statement of an alien within last 6 months, salary verification letter, other document verifying that an alien has sufficient funds to travel to Georgia;
  • A letter of sponsorship (In tangible form).
  • Document verifying obtaining grant/tuition, scholarship.
  • Document - “Proof of Tuition Fee Payment”
  1. Receipt of “payment visa fee” must be submitted together with the required documents while applying for Georgian immigration visa at the Consular Department of Ministry of Foreign Affairs ; Consular service fee is 40 Gel, which must be transferred to the following account number:
Receiving Bank: STATE TRASURE
Code: TRESGE22
Account Number: 302003161

If the applicant submits the required documents at the LEPL Public Service Hall/LEPL Public Service Development Agency only the service fee receipt must be presented which can be paid on the place.

  1. Personal photo according to ICAO standards;
  2. A receipt confirming the payment of a fine must be presented if a fine has been imposed on an alien for an illegal stay on the territory of Georgia;
  3. Individual health insurance – must be valid for the duration of visa validity and must cover the whole territory of Georgia.
  4. Proof of  accommodation during the travel period can be presented by one of the following documents:
  • Document issued by a physical person (individual entrepreneur) or a legal entity registered in Georgia verifying that a person provides accommodation to an alien. The document must indicate the place of accommodation and the duration of stay – in a material form;
  • Document verifying accommodation reservation (hotel booking and other) – in a material form;
  • Rental agreement of the accommodation
  • Notarized invitation of an inviting person verifying alien’s accommodation
  • Other document which can verify proof of accommodation in Georgia
  1. To issue visas to minors and/or persons with mental disorders, the visa issuing authority must be provided with the consent of their legal representative. Such consent must be expressed in written form.
  2. If a person with representative powers submits papers, the document evidencing such representative powers must be presented to the visa issuing authority.
  3. Document proving the purpose of the visit:

For Business/Employment purpose
  • Document verifying labor relationship (commercial, professional) between an alien/his/her employer, a physical entity residing in Georgia, and a legal entity registered in Georgia. In case of labor relationship between an alien’s employer and a physical entity residing in Georgia or a legal entity registered in Georgia, a document verifying labor relationship between an alien and relevant foreign organization must be submitted.
  • Document issued by the relevant foreign institution verifying that an alien is employed in the institution and required business trip to Georgia;
  • Relevant labor contract containing information about the duration of the contract with the alien and the amount of remuneration or other types of income.

For engaging in entrepreneurial activities
  • Extract from the public registry verifying that an alien is a founder/cofounder or a legal representative of an entrepreneurial (commercial) legal entity registered in Georgia.

For the Educational Visits
  • Document verifying admission in the authorized education institution;
  • Document issued by the authorized educational institution (letter, student ID, etc.) verifying that an alien studies on the educational program of the mentioned educational institution (educational course, exchange program, undertaking research, language courses, qualification courses, etc.)

For the Family reunification
  • Document verifying ties of relationship;
  • Document verifying that an alien’s family member legally resides in Georgia (except alien’s family member resides in Georgia on the basis of short-term visa).

Foreign citizen, the owner of the real estate (other than agricultural land) in Georgia must present
  • Real estate possession document;
  • Document proving the market value of the real estate. The market value of the real estate set by the, the certified appraiser of the public law entity - National Authority - accreditation center. Real estate value must be more than 35,000 US dollars equivalent to GEL.
If necessary, visa issuing authority is authorized to request additional documents.

Foreign employees of diplomatic and equivalent missions accredited to Georgia, and consular officials and their family members; employees of representation offices of international organisations located in Georgia, who have been granted the diplomatic status by Georgia, and their family members, among with the citizens of countries that have avisa free entry to Georgia, are required to obtain a visa for the first time entrance for working purpose, unless otherwise provided for by an international agreement of Georgia. During accreditation, they shall stay in Georgia and shall cross the state border on the basis of an accreditation card issued according to procedures defined by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) of Georgia. 
Documents necessary for obtaining Diplomatic or Special visa may be submitted to the visa issuing authority in an electronic and tangible form by presenting them directly or by registered mail to the Georgian Diplomatic Missions and Consular Offices abroad.
List of Documents that should be submitted to Georgian Diplomatic Missions and Consular Offices to obtain diplomatic and special category visa:
  1. Travel document – to obtain Georgian visa, the document must meet the following criteria:
  • Travel document´s validity must extend at least three months after the validity of Georgian visa.
  • Travel document should contain at least two empty pages
  • Travel document must not be damaged and must not contain unauthorized markings.
  • Travel document must be issued within last 10 (ten) years;
  1. Visa application filled out electronically and signed in tangible form 
  2. Personal photo according to ICAO standards;
  3. Written request of a relevant country’s Foreign Affairs, Diplomatic Mission, Consulate or the organization whose employees are having diplomatic or special/equivalent status;
  4. If an alien obtains a visa as a family member, the document verifying ties of relationship; (Birth certificate, Marriage certificate and etc.)
The document does not need to be legalised or apostillised if it is submitted for obtaining the Diplomatic or Special visas.
Documents necessary for obtaining visa must be submitted in the official language of Georgia or in English.

Extension of Diplomatic and Special category visa
The extension of the Diplomatic and Special visas of the aliens legally staying in Georgia is made by the Consular Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Georgia.
For an alien, who has submitted a visa application for diplomatic or special category visas to have a visa extended under the Procedures, the period of his/her stay in Georgia during the appropriate administrative proceeding shall be deemed excusable, and he/she shall be exempt from the obligation to pay the penalty established under the legislation of Georgia.
Documents necessary for obtaining Diplomatic or Special visa may be submitted to the visa issuing authority in an electronic and tangible form by presenting them directly to the issuing authority or by registered mail
List of Documents that should be submitted to Georgian Diplomatic Missions and Consular Offices to extend diplomatic and special category visa:
  1. Travel document – to obtain Georgian visa, the document must meet the following criteria:
  • Travel document´s validity must extend at least three months after the validity of Georgian visa.
  • Travel document should contain at least two empty pages
  • Travel document must not be damaged and must not contain unauthorized markings.
  • Travel document must be issued within last 10 (ten) years;
  1. Visa application filled out electronically and signed in tangible form 
  2. Personal photo according to ICAO standards (link);
  3. Written request of a relevant country’s Foreign Affairs, Diplomatic Mission, Consulate or the organization whose employees are having diplomatic or special/equivalent status;
  4. If an alien obtains a visa as a family member, the document verifying ties of relationship; (Birth certificate, Marriage certificate and etc.)
 Documents necessary for obtaining visa must be submitted in the official language of Georgia or in English.
Citizens and stateless persons permanently residing in the countries listed below may enter and stay in Georgia without a visa.
Please, note that citizens of Member States of the European Union may enter Georgia with a travel document, as well as with an identity card issued by a Member State of the European Union. The identity card shall contain the name, surname, date of birth and a photo of the person.
Maximum period-1 year.

The web page contains lots of interesting and useful information concerning the work of consular offices, however the main novelty is  a web based electronic system, which was developed by us and by means of which you will be able to submit an application requesting the specific consular service.
We tried to make the application submission process as simple as possible, accordingly the system is equipped with relevant instructions. For more comfort we have developed a video guide that will explain all the steps for submitting the e-application in details and visually.
Before submitting the e-applications it is also recommended to read the information on the web page “Consular Services”.
For submitting the e-application please follow the link “Submit e-Application”.

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